Child Custody

Child Custody

Greebel & Greebel, Esqs. has helped families navigate all aspects of child custody law in New York State. We educate our clients to understand their rights, custody laws, and how courts make custody decisions.

It’s important to have a solid foundation and understanding of the child custody process and how it may impact the wellbeing of the children involved.

To schedule a consultation at our Mineola, NY offices contact us at (516) 248-7008

Child Custody

Greebel & Greebel, Esqs. has helped families navigate all aspects of child custody law in New York State. We educate our clients to understand their rights, custody laws, and how courts make custody decisions. It’s important to have a solid foundation and understanding of the child custody process and how it may impact the wellbeing of the children involved.

To schedule a consultation at our Mineola, NY offices contact us at (516) 248-7008

Navigating Child Custody On Long Island

What Is Child Custody?

Child custody refers to a parents or caregiver’s right to be responsible for a child’s welfare and upbringing. Both divorcing parents and unmarried individuals who have Children together in New York State have a legal right to request child custody during divorce and/or custody proceedings.

Both the Supreme and Family courts make custody decisions based on specific factors and circumstances. It’s the courts duty to determine what is best for the long-term interests of the children involved.

Some items that are reviewed by the court are:

  • Caregiving history
  • Financial status
  • Age, physical and mental health
  • History of drug or alcohol abuse
  • History of child abuse
  • Who the child prefers as a caregiver (dependent on the age of the child)

Types of Child Custody Arrangements

  1. Residential Custody: Pertains to the duties of providing the child acceptable shelter
  2. Legal Custody: A parent with legal custody is authorized to make major decisions regarding the health and welfare of a child.
  3. Sole Custody: Grants a single parent with exclusive custodial rights of a child.
  4. Joint Custody: An arrangement that gives both parents shared custodial responsibilities which includes the physical care of their children.
  5. Split Custody: Custodial responsibilities of multiple children are divided among the parents.
  6. Third Party Custody: A judge will place custodial rights to a non-parent in extreme cases such as grandparents.

Effective Legal Representation Since 1988

For over 33 years Greebel & Greebel, Esqs. has provided effective legal representation during divorce and child custody cases on

Long Island. Contact us to arrange a consultation at our office in Mineola 516-248-7008.

Our services include:

Corporate Law

Real Estate Law

Estate Planning

Surrogates Court Practice

Civil Litigation

For a law firm that you can trust call Greebel & Greebel at 516-248-7008.
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